

A state record whose 保留 period has expired may not be destroyed if any litigation, 索赔, 谈判, 审计, 公开信息请求, 行政复议, or other action involving the record is initiated; its 破坏 shall not occur until the completion of the action and the resolution of all issues that arise from it.

在诉讼期间保存期限届满的国家记录, 索赔, 谈判, 审计, 公开信息请求, 行政复议, or other action involving the record may not be destroyed until the completion of the action and the resolution of all issues that arise from it.

下面列出的是德州南方大学的记录保留时间表. 阅读本文件时,请参阅保留代码. 欲了解更多信息,请联系机构合规办公室.


The function of records management is a component of The Office of Institutional Compliance. This site is designed to act as a reference guide and source of various forms of information concerning records management. This includes such factors as the inventory, organization and 保留 of state records. The information being provided has been designed to precisely detail the responsibilities of each department/area 以及 duties of the 记录管理 Coordinator, 德克萨斯州立图书馆和档案委员会详细说明了这一点, 州和地方档案管理处. 本网站所载的资料来自 记录管理 政策 Model 2 (for Ordinance, Order, or Resolution) - Texas State Library 以及 德克萨斯州档案管理手册.

如有任何问题或意见,请向  instcompliance@hidekoquanyin.net


什么是州记录?  开放
什么是档案管理  开放
为什么记录管理很重要?  开放
谁是档案管理系统中的角色参与者?  开放

Records Inventory

什么是档案盘存?  开放
记录盘点应该在什么时候完成?  开放
进行记录盘点的好处是什么?  开放
如何准备记录盘点? (记录保存时间表)  开放
什么是记录保留计划?  开放
为什么记录保留计划很重要?  开放