Online 学生 Expectations  关闭

托国立的在线课程主要是异步(任何时间)、基于网络的教学. 在任何时候, anywhere learning increases the accessibility of TSU courses, 学生应该仔细思考网络课程是否符合他们的学习方式和学习期望. 特别是, 学生应该自我评估他们在网络环境中学习的准备程度. Online courses are geared for the mature, self-motivated learner. They are not easier or less time-consuming than face-to-face (F2F) courses; many students feel that online courses initially require additional effort to adapt to new modes of course delivery and new ways of interacting with the instructor and fellow students.

在线课程被设计为主动和协作(包括点对点)的学习环境. The instructor will provide his or her expertise through lectures, 阅读, 活动, and discussions with students, 充当促进者的, 鼓励学生探索并与其他学习者互动,以达到新的理解和知识水平. Some instructors may even schedule optional synchronous (a.k.a., real time) meetings to aid students.

Successful peer interactive learning requires regular attendance and participation; students enrolled in online courses are expected to log into the course website frequently (at least four or five times per week). 尽管异步课程允许学生灵活安排课堂作业, 活动和任务通常遵循严格的时间表和确定的截止日期. 通常, students will log into their course at the beginning of each week to receive instructions about what learning 活动 to complete; these 活动 are often bundled as a “learning module.“在每周的课程中,他们将被要求完成各种活动(例如.g., 小测验, 练习, 短论文),并在教师在教学大纲和每周学习模块中确定的日期之前参与在线讨论. 除了每周的作业外,学生也可以在学期中完成学期项目.

整个学期, online classroom participation through Web tools such as discussion boards, 博客, wiki是定期进行的,通常在课程的最终成绩中占很大一部分(在许多情况下占30%或更高)。. 学生应仔细检查教学大纲,以确定课程要求和每项作业的权重.


Confirm technical requirements and Workspace: 在线课程可以使学生在繁忙的日程中受益,但前提是他们可以访问材料. 确保你有一台可以正常工作的电脑,并配有适当的生产力软件套件, reliable internet connection, 这里也是参加考试和参加在线网络会议的理想地点.

Connect with instructors early: Send your instructor a note, 一个电子邮件, introducing yourself and what you hope to get out of the class. Share your thoughts and course needs as the semester progresses. 教师喜欢听到学生的声音,然而,保持交流的自由.

制定一个时间表: 让自己熟悉整个学期的时间表,如果你觉得学期中可能会发生冲突,尽早联系你的导师,看看是否可以做出调整. Otherwise, stay on schedule.

保持组织: 参加传统课程的学生通常每周都有一个固定的时间表, with in-class instruction followed by out-of-class assignments. 想办法利用电子日历等工具来掌握课程进度, 数字提醒, and other mobile electronic resources that can alert you to pending deadlines.

了解自己的权利: 学生 taking online classes have very similar rights as on campus students. 你可以联系学校以获得学生会计的所有辅助服务, 体育运动, 图书馆, 金融援助, 根据需要等. Consult your student handbook for more in格式ion.

Attendance for Online 学生  开放
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